A group of independent  international experts of Transparency International-Russia in exile (TIR in exile) complies the highest ethical standards of Transparency International movement and realizes the responsibility to those who provide us with financial support (hereinafter also referred to as donors,), and also by the society in whose interests We carry out our activities.

Since the experts’ activities are inextricably linked with the ethical risks it is necessary to ensure guarantees of unconditional professionalism, impartiality and honesty of all persons involved in the activities of the Transparency International-Russia in exile.

We, the experts Transparency International-Russia in exile, developed and adopted these ethical principles and mechanisms of ethical issues settlement, want to work honestly, openly and consistently.

Transparency International-Russia in exile is part of the international anti-corruption movement “Transparency International”, which is a network of independent national offices in more than 100 countries of the world united by common values:

  1. a) Transparency;
  2. b) Accountability;
  3. c) Integrity and solidarity;
  4. d) Honesty and selflessness;
  5. e) The rule of law;
  6. f) Democratic foundations;
  7. g) Protection of natural resources.

In its activities, Transparency International-Russia in exile proceeds from the priority role of society and its individual actors in combating corruption and ensuring transparency and accountability of the activities of state bodies.

By corruption, we, experts of Transparency International-Russia in exile, understands the abuse of an official, as well as a person performing managerial functions in a commercial or other organization, of his official position to extract personal or collective benefits in material or non-material form;

Transparency and accountability is understood as a system of effective mechanisms of public control and public access to information related to the performance of public authorities of their functions.

Transparency International-Russia in exile strives to be guided by the principles of transparency in its own activities. 

We, experts of Transparency International-Russia in exile, take all necessary measures to ensure that our activities are based on data that correspond to reality.

We guarantee that all public statements made on behalf of the Transparency International-Russia in exile by authorized persons, research and investigation materials are based on the principles of maximum objectivity and independence.

We do not accept corruption in any form, including in the form of payment for simplification of procedures. We do not give or take bribes, do not participate in other corrupt actions and expect the same behavior from all persons with whom we interact. We undertake to report any alleged case of corruption that has become known to us.

We do not use financial instruments related to offshore zones, including offshore companies.

Conflict of Interest

In the course of fulfilling their official duties, we, experts of Transparency International-Russia in exile, are committed to preventing and avoiding a conflict of interest which, in turn, may lead to decisions based on someones’ personal interests (or the interests of third Parties). Making decisions based on personal interests to the detriment of combating corruption in Russia is unacceptable. Therefore, we are committed to avoiding a conflict of interest and taking timely measures to resolve it.

Gifts, donations and purchases

We, experts of Transparency International-Russia in exile, refuse any gifts and rewards in any form from organizations, institutes or individuals if there are any ground or if there are any reason to believe that the gift is made with the purpose of influencing the fulfillment of TIR in exile activities or obligations.

The notion of gift includes in the form of discounts, provision of services, payment for food, entertainment, travel and recreation, loans and borrowings.