TI-Russia Labeled as a Foreign Agent. Yes, Again

Today, December 27th, on the second-to-last working day of the year, Russia’s Ministry of Justice once again labeled Transparency International Russia in exile a “foreign agent.”

A bit of background. For eight years, from 2015 to 2023, we held this status as a Russian legal entity. In March 2023, after authorities labeled us an “undesirable organization,” our Board chose to dissolve the entity. Later that autumn, we resumed operations in exile. Today, we remain the only chapter of Transparency International working outside the country.

We strongly believe that Russia cannot build a healthy society through the persecution of human rights defenders, political opponents, and journalists. Corruption directly threatens the safety of all Russians. It also fuels the criminal war against Ukraine.

This year marked our 25th anniversary, and once again, we caught the attention of Russian authorities. Corrupt officials fear our work – and rightly so. We continue operating from a safe jurisdiction. Over the years, our team has built valuable expertise and professionalism. This will help Russia return to the ranks of respected nations – not those feared by their neighbors.

Despite this new label, our mission stays the same. We will keep defending transparency, integrity, and accountability. No discriminatory status can stop our work.