TI-Russia at IACC in Vilnius

From June 18 to 21, the International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) took place in Vilnius, where experts from Transparency International Russia participated in two panels: “War and Corruption: Time to Take a Closer Look” and “NGOs in Exile: How Not to Become a Grant-Eater.”

During the first panel, alongside colleagues from Ukraine and Georgia, the Head of our Dirty Money work stream Vladislav Netyayev presented the “War and Corruption: The Corruption Causes and Consequences of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine” report, highlighting the link between corruption and war. The session paid special attention to corruption developments in Russia.

TI-Russia Executive Director Ilia Shumanov took part in the panel dedicated to the challenges faced by NGOs operating in exile. Discussions focused on strategies for maintaining independence and effectiveness under limited funding and political pressure. Experts from Myanmar and Azerbaijan shared their experiences using digital platforms to enhance transparency and control over governmental activities, despite operating outside their home jurisdictions.

Despite being unable to work within the country, Transparency International Russia continues to actively combat corruption on the international stage, participating in global forums and sharing its expertise and research.The conference in Vilnius served as a vital platform for exchanging experiences and strengthening international cooperation in the fight against corruption, fostering the development of new strategies and technologies in this field.